Chapelle Saint-Laurent

The church of Saint-Laurent is located at the end of a rocky spur and dominates a vast landscape. Originally, the church had only a small nave extended by a chevet, built in ferruginous sandstone. It was enlarged in the 18th century. The interior of the church is richly decorated, such as the vault of the choir, decorated with vivid naive paintings. The 18th century furnishings are protected as Historic Monuments, including the high altar and its tabernacle, the six gilded wooden candlesticks and the Eucharistic cupboard and its baldachin. The brightly coloured altarpiece was applied at the time of the Counter-Reformation and includes a programme of images favoured by the Roman Church at the time: Christ the founder, saints, preferably ecclesiastics, to highlight in the face of attacks from the Reformation.

  • Secondary Type: Historic site and monument
  • Type: Historic site and monument



  • Chapel
  • Church


  • Registered and listed sites


  • Guided tour