Terra Aventura : Allez les petits

A brand new way to discover the town of Soustons, with its town centre, its lake, its traditions ... Equipped with your 100% free application "Terra Aventura", go and meet Zabdo, who will take you in his sports adventures ;) Find the cache and you will find your treasure: the famous Poïz of the course! Take a badge and put the bottle back in the secret!
Then you will validate your course either :
o by flashing the associated QR Code
o by collecting the mystery word in the booklet and recording it on the route map on the website.

  • Type: Cultural activities
  • Proposed itinerant activities:On foot
  • Proposed itinerant activities:Cycling



  • Geocaching
  • Category:Free practice
  • Proposed cultural activity:Geocaching


  • Free practice

Chains and labels

  • Terra Aventura


  • Pram-friendly
  • Picnic area
  • Spielplatz
  • Parking