Eglise Saint-Remy

The primitive church of Hauriet was built in the Middle Ages. It was placed in the middle of a group of houses in order to protect it from the attacks of the Huguenots who plundered and burned all the churches of Chalosse. The church was nevertheless destroyed in 1569 and rebuilt in the 18th century. There are still some strong pointed arches of the original building. Look at the beautiful stoup at the foot of one of them. In 1830, a fire ravaged the building: wooden vaults, altars, sacristy furniture and archives disappeared. A small gilded altar was added, a modest reflection of the great Baroque altarpieces that you can see in so many churches in Chalosse. In 1975, a nave on the north side was built over the cemetery that surrounded the church. A thick studded door at the entrance is a testimony to the church's defensive purpose.

  • Secondary Type: Historic site and monument
  • Type: Historic site and monument



  • Church


Location:in the village


  • Guided tour