Eglise Saint Martin de Biscarrosse

This church from the fourteenth or fifteenth century was built with local Landes stone (Garluche). The three-metre-high curved gate is formed of two fluted columns topped with two arrows. The third bay on the south side aisle was built in 1902. It was restored by the town and the parish community.
The church has three naves: the 31-metre main nave and two 14-metre side naves. The cut-panelled choir is shaped like a pentagon. On each panel are five beautiful mullion windows. You can admire pillars, arches, rib vaults and their white keystones, stained glass windows, altars, wood panelling, and ornamentation.

  • Secondary Type: Historic site and monument
  • Type: Historic site and monument



  • Church


  • Unlisted



Location:in town


  • Guided tour