Michel vous initie au jeu de quilles de 6 et rampeau

I will meet you in front of the Tourist Office and we will go together to the "quillers" located a few steps away.
If you wish, you will help me to set up this animation and will participate in the various games, always in a sporting and friendly spirit.
- The rampeau : game of 3 pins to be shot with a round wooden ball from 3 different points.
- The game of 6 pins: 2 ways to play: to knock down all the pins with wooden "altères" or to leave only one standing to score the point!
It's up to you!
The main thing will be this time of sharing in a good mood and laughter.
And I hope you will enjoy "knocking down the pins".

  • Secondary Type: Greeters



  • Off the beaten track
  • Multi-activity