Sérénité Hypnose Bien Être

Before the creation of Serenity Hypnosis Well Being in 2014 I worked in the medical field as a caregiver with the elderly, adults and children with disabilities. I specialized in Perinatal Hypnosis and sex therapy because before being a therapist, I am a woman with experiences, a professional and personal life path with joys, sorrows, struggles. I have learned from these experiences that make me the woman I am today with all my strengths and knowledge. Today I can listen to you, understand you and accompany you in your life as a woman, in your steps or help you, with my tools to heal your wounds to blossom in your feminine.
I work in individual sessions for teenagers, adults and children
I also organize self-hypnosis workshops and discussion groups for women

  • Type: Welfare

Means of payment

  • Cheques and postal orders



Location:in the country