Les Pentes de Barène

Les Pentes de Barène is part of the Tourisme Gourmand network. Each ambassador of the network meets rigorous specifications whose criteria address the attention paid to reception, the promotion of local products and short tours
In the heart of the oldest Bastide des Landes, Gaëlle and Daniel invite you to discover their world: a domain, a plot of land, a vintage. On the southern slopes of the village, the vine has been planted in narrow terraces with Baroque as the main grape variety. The vines are entirely worked by hand and the wine is made in their cellar and aged on its lees. All year round by appointment. Free of charge.


  • Free tasting (group)
  • Free tasting (individual)
  • Paid tasting (group)
  • Paid tasting (individual)
  • Status operator: Producer
  • Product types: Wine
  • On-property sales
  • Groups accepted ( maximum : 30 )



  • Marché de noël
  • Tourisme Gourmand


  • Number of products sampled: 2
  • Number of products sampled group: 2

Chains and labels

  • Tursan
  • Bienvenue à la Ferme
  • Vigneron Indépendant

Means of payment

  • Payment cards
  • Cheques and postal orders
  • Cash


  • Accepted animals


  • Bus parking



  • Motorway A65 sortie 8 (Distance: 12 km)
  • Airport / aerodrome Pau-Pyrénées (Distance: 30 km)

Location:in the vineyard, in the village, in a wine-growing holding


  • Guided tour

Languages tour

  • French


  • Duration visit: 50 min (average)


  • Duration visit: 45 min (average)