Visite de l'église Notre Dame de Lit

The 19 August 2024


The church, built in the 14th century, was a defensive structure, as its turret shows. In the 19th century, the steeple was heightened, then adorned with a spire in 1904, topped by four angels at the cardinal points, giving it its distinctive silhouette.
The first floor of the bell tower features a 15th-century stone Piéta. The interior door frames 15th-century carved wooden casements, listed as a Monument Historique protected object. At the back of the church are paintings by Bordeaux painter François-Maurice Roganeau, one of which, painted in 1920, is dedicated to the children of Lit who died for their country in WW1.
Free admission.

  • Topics: Cultural heritage
  • Type: Cultural



  • Heritage events
  • Visits


The 19/08/2024

  • Lundi: from 10h45 to 12h00