Cinéma : Un p'tit truc en plus
Animation, Adventure
Juliette and Carmen, two intrepid sisters aged 4 and 8, discover a secret passage to the Kingdom of the Air Streams, their favorite book. Transformed into cats and separated from each other, they must be bold and daring to find each other again. With the help of the singer Selma, they attempt to rejoin the real world by confronting Sirocco, the master of winds and storms? But is he as terrifying as they imagine?
- Topics: Cinema
- Type: Cultural
- Entertainment
The 25/09/2024
- Mercredi: from 14h30
Prices | Min. | Max. |
Basic price | 5,50 € | |
Discounted rate | 5 € | |
Other price | 22,50 € |
Location:in the town centre