Vira & Vasa - La chasse au trésor sonore
"Vira & Vasa" is a sound stroll that combines imagination and reality. Our two young "winders" find themselves projected to the market of St-Vincent-de-Tyrosse in 1881 in front of the castle "Gorostarzu". Crossing the town in search of a lost shoe to help a poor shoemaker who has to deliver the rich owner, they meet along the way breeders, the Clavery couple who will donate the future Place du Foirail to the Commune, the Mayor... and even adopt a hen to whom they give a strange name!
A clever hobby that stimulates children's imagination while allowing them to get to know their place of living or walking. Each stop along the way is an opportunity to discover the history of the place.
So Venturiers... to the Venture!
- Type: Cultural activities
- Heritage
- Category:Free practice
- Proposed cultural activity:Heritage
- Free practice