Qi Gong Evolution
The aim of this association is to develop and promote self-awareness and well-being through the practice of qi gong and other personal development techniques, through workshops, talks, courses, seminars, conferences and workshops, individual meetings and events.
Classes in Qi gong, one of the five main disciplines of traditional Chinese medicine, are taught by Serge Marsan, who holds a higher diploma in traditional Chinese medicine.
1st Tuesday of each month conference: coffee/debate evening on the theme of well-being
- Type: Sports activities
- Martial arts
- Category:Lessons
- Sports Activities proposed:Martial arts
- Lessons
Opening times
From 02/01/2025 to 31/12/2025
- Vendredi: from 14h00 to 15h30
- Mercredi: from 19h00 to 20h30
Means of payment
- Cheques and postal orders
- Cash
- Paypal
Location:near a motorway, close to a route nationale, accessible on foot from the tourist office, in the town centre