Béatrice Reiser QI-GONG et Pilates - Acupunctrice - Naturopathe - Hypnothérapeute.
Beatrice Reiser Acupuncturist - Naturopath - Hypnotherapist. QI-GONG and Pilates alone or in a group
Get back in shape and vitality through the forces of nature and take back the reins of your life. Rebalance your diet, your health with traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture, digitopuncture, Tuina massage, foot reflexology, auriculotherapy: stress, pain, fatigue, sleep, hot flashes... Ericksonian and traditional hypnosis: addictions, tobacco, junk food... Depression, anger, shyness, grief...
- Type: Sports activities
- Groups accepted
- Martial arts
- Yoga
- Category:Lessons
- Sports Activities proposed:Martial arts
- Category:Lessons
- Sports Activities proposed:Yoga
- Lessons
Means of payment
- Cheques and postal orders
- Cash
- Paypal
- Bank transfers
- Accepted animals